Schumer takeover

Friday June 19, 2015

With 'Inside Out,' Pixar Takes You On A Tour Of Your Emotions

For every sight gag that makes kids chuckle, there's an eye-opening meditation for adults. Read more.

With 'Inside Out,' Pixar Takes You On A Tour Of Your Emotions

How In Touch's Duggars Coverage Has Changed Tabloid Journalism

In Touch comes from a long line of publications that split their time between titillating half-truths and rigorous investigative journalism. But, Buzzfeed asks, is the magazine the last gasp of the American tabloid tradition -- or its future? Read more.

How In Touch's Duggars Coverage Has Changed Tabloid Journalism

Amy Schumer's Significance Is Manifest In The 'Trainwreck' Comedy Tour

According to Vulture, the star's rise aligns with a cultural sea change in comedy. Read more.

Amy Schumer's Significance Is Manifest In The 'Trainwreck' Comedy Tour

The Dark Impact of the $500 Million 'Jurassic World' Weekend

As franchise returns climb higher and higher, low to mid-budget movies, Grantland warns, could wholly disappear. Read more.

The Dark Impact of the $500 Million 'Jurassic World' Weekend

This Map Shows The Real-World Equivalents Of The Seven Kingdoms

Westeros is supposedly fictional -- but it actually bears a striking resemblance to Europe. Read more.

This Map Shows The Real-World Equivalents Of The Seven Kingdoms

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